Maker Faire Yearbook 2023


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Found 922 Results

From Brushstrokes to Code: How Art Can Inspire the Next Generation of Computer Scientists

Faire: Miami

Maker: Amy Austin Renshaw

Home: Florida, United States

How Art Can Inspire the Next Generation of Computer Scientists

Maker Faire Rochester

Faire: Syracuse

Maker: Maker Faire Rochester

Home: New York, United States

See what happens at Maker Faire Rochester. Running since 2014 and only 1.5 hours from Syracuse. This year its back at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center on November 18th. Help create a group string art project and grab a reminder postcard!

Coding and AR/VR In The Elementary Classroom with Kai’s Clan Robots

Faire: Cranberry TWP

Maker: Paolo Tolomeo

Home: Pennsylvania, United States

4th grade students have been working on coding their robots to complete missions on Mars. After learning about various Mars rovers, our engineers designed their own rovers and were able to use AR/VR to turn this lesson into a learning experience.

Radioamatori. I primi Maker Elettronici

Faire: Rome

Maker: ARI Associazione Radioamatori Italiani Sezione di Roma


1- Project 1 - Ham radio station - Operation 2- Project + Performance - Radiolocation experience 3- S-band antenna measurement bench (2-4 GHz) 4- Electronic constructions - Practice

Infinite MOONs

Faire: Miami

Maker: Aldo Luna

Home: Florida, United States

Aldo Luna, will be showcasing his art and creative process with live demonstrations. From sketch to potential masterpiece, see the power of digital painting and 3D sculpting.

Counter Culture labs Community Projects!

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Counter Culture Labs

Home: California, United States

A bunch of community projects we have including: a decellularized pig's heart, petri dish art using genetically modified e. coli, a robot to automate lab processes, open insulin production, production of an antiviral in rice, and many more!

Craft Arts – Wooden Boatbuilding

Faire: Milwaukee

Maker: All Hands Boatworks Crew

Home: Wisconsin, United States

Meet the crew from Milwaukee's All Hands Boatworks. Learn about their hands-on, custom-tailored projects for schools, home-schooled groups, summer camps, and adult workshops, and see the construction of an ultra-light skin-on-frame canoe.


Faire: Bay Area

Maker: SIProp

Home: Nerima, Tokyo, Japan

8 bit is an application work uses the operating principle of a superconducting quantum computer gate control microwaves with Chladni figure. Currently, there are a many applications works&interaction based classical computers architecture, but by using the quantum computers is few yet. In the future, many quantum computers applications will be created to emerge. Then I focus on superconducting quantum computers in qbit gate control microwaves, propose the interaction between qbit and human and everyone could touch and try this application.

Tulsa Rocketry

Faire: Tulsa

Maker: Tulsa Rocketry

Home: Oklahoma, United States

Tulsa Rocketry will be showing model and high power rockets, answering questions and show you how to get started. We will also have small rubber band powered rockets for kids to build.

LVenture Group: investing in change

Faire: Rome

Maker: LVenture Group S.p.A.


LVenture Group is a Venture Capital company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange that invests in digital startups and accelerates their growth, generating profits from exit transactions, mainly M&A. LVenture Group is one of the most active pre-seed operators in Southern Europe thanks to its acceleration programme LUISS EnLabs, dedicated to digital startups and created in joint venture with Luiss University. LVenture Group invests in the cleantech and travel tech sectors through its vertical accelerators Zero and Argo. The company conducts Open Innovation activities with leading Italian and international industrial players including Eni, CDP Venture Capital, Leonardo, Intesa Sanpaolo and Meta. To accelerate the development of startups LVenture Group has created a 9,000-square-metre hub inside Termini Station in Rome. From 2013 to date, it has invested in more than 130 startups that have raised a total of more than 180 million euros, 25 million of which were invested directly by the company. LVenture Group has contributed to the creation of more than 1,800 high-value-added jobs.


Faire: Trieste

Maker: The Ant Team

Home: Varese, Italy

Ant WorkFlow è la nostra idea di automazione della creazione di PCB a casa. E' composta da: The Ant, una compatta CNC ottimizzata per la fresatura di PCB, un progetto open in continua evoluzione. The Ant Farm, il nuovo software OPEN SOURCE da noi sviluppato che guiderà i makers nella realizzazione dei propri progetti dai file CAM alla scheda fresata. The Ant Queen, l'ultima versione dell'elettronica di controllo per piccole CNC (cuore della nostra The Ant)

University of Louisville KID Lab

Faire: Louisville

Maker: University of Louisville KID Lab

Home: United States

We are a Developmental Psychology research lab interested in looking at what children think about the world around them. We have fun and short games for children ages 5-to-12! Come be a kid scientist and help us do science!

Howard County Historical Society: From Research to Exhibit

Faire: Downtown Columbia

Maker: Mark Stout

Home: Maryland, United States

The Howard County Historical Society maintains an archive, as well as 3 museums. Observe the processes used to develop a museum exhibit from beginning to end. Learn about the County's rich and complex history from pre-colonization to the present.

HCC!zuidoost-brabant: lezingen, inloop, werkgroepe

Faire: Eindhoven

Maker: HCC!

Home: Nederland

HCC!zuidoost-Brabant organiseert activiteiten van 3D-printen tot kennisoverdracht door het geven van presentaties, van machineborduren tot modelbaanautomatisering, flightsimulation en nog veel meer. Onze bijeenkomsten zijn in Eindhoven en Helmond Je kunt hier terecht voor het bewerken van foto’s of video-opnamen maken en bewerken. We hebben meerdere locaties waar we hulp bieden bij het gebruik van computer, tablet of telefoon en nog veel meer. Laat je informeren en kom naar onze stand.

Remake Human Lounge

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Three Healing Sisters Therapeutic Relaxation Lounge

Home: California, United States

Remake Human Lounge, a unique destination oasis for attendees looking for a place to relax and reboot. This space was designed to provide an interactive, hands-on experience with energy healing, massage, reflexology, acupressure stress reduction and soothing relaxation spaces. To ensure the best possible uplifting experience for guests, the lounge will be staffed with expert healers who are there to assist in providing various holistic therapies. As an added bonus, visitors can also experience red-light laser therapy in order to restore balance throughout their body while releasing any negative emotions that are holding them back. From start to finish, this innovative health lounge promises to provide everyone who visits with a rejuvenating experience.

Life Pillars

Faire: Rome

Maker: Giulia Scalzo


Our value proposition is based on a product called LIFE PILLARS: a green infrastructure that can mitigate urban heat islands. Life Pillars operates in the sustainable building sector with the aim of providing a solution that is simple to implement and has a high environmental impact to face the challenge of climate change. Our initiative focuses on various actions, including the reduction of heat islands, the promotion of biodiversity and the construction of structures capable of absorbing CO2, in order to create systems that respond to current environmental problems. We offer customers three price ranges, each with different functionality and features. We provide a personalized assistance service that accompanies the customer at every stage of the process, we offer branding, marketing and communication services to help the company communicate the value of the project on its channels and we provide bureaucratic support. Our clients operate mainly in the B2B market. Our first objective will be to address the large companies which, starting from 2024, will be obliged to present the sustainability report. In Italy, these companies are around 3,000, as reported by the CSEA institutional website. These companies share values ​​such as growth, innovation, sustainability and the concept of "kaizen", i.e. the continuous improvement of company processes and performance. Furthermore, they have objectives both in terms of environmental sustainability and in terms of turnover, business and marketing. They want to have a "green" image and a solution that contributes to having a positive impact on the environment and on their business. Finally, these are companies looking for strategic partnerships in order to improve positioning, growth, acquisition of new customers and consolidation on the market. We have identified several competitors that fill the same need for our product, both directly and indirectly. However, our solution stands out for its significant impact in effectively mitigating heat islands in urban centres, as well as the level of customization offered and the support provided to obtain the necessary certifications and achieve a sustainable balance sheet. Specifically, our value proposition delivers a number of benefits to customers, including: Brand positioning and recognition; Differentiation from competitors; Visibility, the possibility of forging partnerships and public relations; Access to GBC-Leed certifications; Rating of sustainability reports; Personalized offer based on budget and needs; Personalized support and customer assistance; branding, marketing and communication services relating to the project; bureaucratic support; Objectives of the 2023 Sustainable Agenda.

Dance to Your Code and Learn How to Make a Ligh Up Greeting Card!

Faire: Miami

Maker: Willy Orozco

Home: Florida, United States

Join us and learn how to code a dance and how to create a light up greeting card. No experience required.

FIRST Robotics Exhibit

Faire: Rochester

Maker: FIRST Robotics

Home: New York, United States

FIRST Robotics is a mentor-based program that inspires kids, ages 4 to 18, to engage in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Through engineering challenges, kids compete and learn skills and concepts such as programming and teamwork.

Kimberly J Art oil painting

Faire: Elkhorn

Maker: Kimberly Burnett

Home: Wisconsin, United States

I will be doing a live oil painting; demonstrating how to create a realistic painting.

Sistema di Iniezione Automatico

Faire: Trieste

Maker: Andrea Martini

Home: Venezia, Italy

Il Sistema di Iniezione Automatico è un nuovo dispositivo che, utilizzando lo Stampaggio ad Iniezione Pneumatico con Morsa Pneumatica, a differenza della versione standard, permette la costanza dei tempi di lavorazione con la possibilità di facilitare e migliorare la qualità del lavoro. Gestisce sia i tempi di chiusura della morsa che i tempi di discesa del pistone per l'iniezione.

Propulsión UNAM: Cohetería experimental

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Propulsión UNAM

Home: Ciudad de México, Mexico

Propulsión UNAM compartirá su trayectoria y logros, proyectos exitosos, metodología de trabajo y objetivos a futuro, con el fin de fomentar la colaboración y apoyo al desarrollo aeroespacial de México.

SciStarter: People Powered Science

Faire: Los Angeles

Maker: SciStarter

Home: Arizona, United States

Become a Citizen Scientist with SciStarter by participating in projects that push real scientific research forward! Together, we can document biodiversity, track climate change, accelerate Alzheimer's research, and so much more. All ages are welcome!

Apolo Creative House – (Emprendiendo en la era digital)

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Alan Rangel

Home: Calimaya, Mexico

Únete a Apolo Creative House para descubrir cómo la tecnología y las herramientas digitales pueden ayudarte a emprender y su relación con carreras universitarias como diseño, ingeniería, arquitectura y arte.

Tesori celati. Valorizzare e preservare il patrimonio culturale italiano

Faire: Rome

Maker: Sapienza Università di Roma


HW: 1. aims to enhance the cultural heritage of Italy in the areas of archaeology, history, art history, libraries and archives; 2. involves the development of digital products: high quality documentaries and thematic paths of discovery, for both on site and remote learning (through the use of interactive platforms); 3. is easily replicable (for 'Secret Rome' and some villages in Lazio, see Secret Baroque - Sapienza Third Mission Project 2021); 4. aims to derive significant benefits both in scientific-academic circles and for the development of sustainable tourism and cultural awareness