Maker Faire Yearbook 2023


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Found 813 Results

Make a Paper Circuit

Faire: Lake County

Maker: CLC Baxter Innovation Lab & Engineering Transfer

Home: Illinois, United States

Learn how to create a simple circuit to light up an LED. Take your creation home with you.

Pebbles of Promise

Faire: Wayne County

Maker: Denise Roth

Home: Ohio, United States

Pebbles of Promise uses hand selected beach glass from the shores of Lake Erie, combined with epoxy and other details to create beautiful and unique keychains, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, and rings. I will have with me raw beach glass, epoxy molds, jewelry making supplies and finished products available for purchase. People who stop by the booth can design their own unique pieces which can be hardened under a UV light, customized to a piece of jewelry, purchased and taken home that day. Stop by if you want to have a beautiful piece of the great lakes that no one else has!

Scraps Designs

Faire: Tulsa

Maker: Jamie Pierson

Home: Oklahoma, United States

Join Scraps Designs to build and play with large scale building toys made from reclaimed materials, and to make your own crafts with materials both common and unusual. Handmade toys, art, and other items also for sale.

Tech Playgrounds robots en plastic recycling

Faire: Eindhoven

Maker: Tech Playgrounds

Home: Nederland

In Tech Playgrounds gaan Eindhovense techies wekelijks in werkplaatsen in de stad aan de slag met hun handen. Ze showen hun zelfgebouwde machines om plastic te recyclen, geïnspireerd op Precious Plastic Project. In samenwerking met Brunel Foundation! Ook is ons FTC-robotteam Zappp aanwezig. Zij gaan live aan hun robot werken en hacken zo het weekeinde door. Ze zoeken nieuwe teamleden, dus jongeren van 14-18 jaar kunnen meteen kennismaken! Jeugdwerkers geven ook uitleg over de Tech Playgrounds.

LToy Creations

Faire: Orange County

Maker: Jamison Toy

Home: California, United States

LToy Creations was formed in 2012 by Jamison Toy initially with cosplay and costume props. With the help of technology, LToy Creations offers customizable 3D prints, laser cut/etching, die-cut stickers, and more! Your ideas, our fabrication services!

How to Make a Vacuum Former

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Maker Block

Home: California, United States

People will learn how to build and operate a simple vacuum former for ~$35 in common parts to make props, soap/chocolate/candy molds, phone cases & more.


Faire: Brussels

Maker: Matthieu Bollens

Home: Belgium

Créateur d’œuvres artistiques et Artoys, en série limitée Je trouve mon inspiration dans la nature et les phénomènes célestes, J’utilise les techniques d’impression 3D, de moulage et découpe laser pour matérialiser mes idées, peint à la main et aérographe

My Heart Will Go On

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Double X, Carlsbad, Daedalus, Rabbitovski, laëiou

Home: California, United States

Exhibited on the Burning Man Playa this year, “My Heart Will Go On” is a 10ft kinetic sculpture that dances with the rhythm of life and love, lighted up by string of LEDs, powered by the sun and wind. Drawing inspiration from the timeless song, “My Heart Will Go On,” this piece recaptures the spirit of enduring love and courage. Amid a world recovering from pandemic, a world with wars and economic downturn, it stands as a symbol of hope and resilience. As you witness its rhythmic pulse, we hope you find love: love for others, love for our shared world, and most importantly, love of yourself. Artist Group: Double X, Carlsbad, Daedalus, laëiou, Rabbitovski

Gab’s Bits and Bobs

Faire: Baton Rouge

Maker: Gabby Beck

Home: Louisiana, United States

Handmade jewelry, keychains, crocheted plushes, and other fun accessories!

Souths Sculptures

Faire: NW Arkansas

Maker: NULL

Home: Arkansas, United States

South Walker is an extraordinary local artist who captures characters in clay, mixing his own colors from primaries and using only his hands as tools. His collection of literary characters & animated favorites will be on display and for sale at Faire

Sophia Gunkel Art

Faire: Delft

Maker: Sophia Gunkel

Home: Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

Welcome to the mesmerising world of Sophia Gunkel; an abstract artist who explores the intersection between her dreams and reality. Sophia is interested in exploring the blurry boundary between the conscious and subconscious being; to give shape to the intangible through her art. Experimenting with different mediums her abstract works are snapshots of her dream world, and are created with fluidity and intuition. Each new piece comes to life through layers of paint, and with each layer light, structure, and depth of colour are considered. Much like a dream, the painting takes its own shape and is only done once the artist feels that the reminiscence of the dream is captured. If you are spending time with her work, Sophia invites you to dream with her. She aims for the experience to be transportive: let your mind wander and associate. There might be things that you recognise and other parts that remain elusive or open-ended; memories or sensations that cannot be expressed with words.

FabLab Belluno: Progetti Spicci – TV Più Piccola del Mondo

Faire: Trieste


Home: Veneto, Italy

Una minitv a tubo catodico autocostruita!

Steamy Tech

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Greg and Lora Price / Steamy Tech

Home: California, United States

Steamy Tech invents, designs, creates, and sells laser cut art and DIY kits for the maker community. What started as a small hobby in a local maker space has become a 10-year-old company making cool kinetic art, electronics, robotic hats, and other incredible inventions for ourselves, the steampunk community, and the Bay Area. We started out building and selling our pre-built projects but soon discovered that we couldn't keep the joy of making to ourselves. Most of our art is available not only pre-built but as kits for everyone to make and enjoy at home. We also sell subscription boxes for the ongoing maker experience and provide events for people to come to make a project with us at local bars and restaurants. Our Maker Faire booth will show all the products that we sell as well as p

Operation T.A.C. – A FIRST Robotics Team

Faire: Orange County

Maker: Operation T.A.C. (Technology and Character)

Home: California, United States

We are Operation T.A.C. (Technology and Character), a F.I.R.S.T. robotics team for ages 9-18 years old. With a foundation of Gracious Professionalism, we design, build and program robots while also innovating a project to solve real world problems!!!

Hrvatski tradicijski nakit

Faire: Zagreb

Maker: Udruga Etnoraj -ogrlice

Home: Zagreb, Croatia

Udruga Etnoraj -ogrlice izrađuje hrvatski tradicijski nakit od staklenih perlica( kraluši, đunđevi...). Također izrađuje i dijelove hrvatskih narodnih nošnji (oglavlja, paculice, parte, cuban i sl)

The Nerdy Duo

Faire: Long Island

Maker: The Nerdy Duo

Home: New York, United States

The Nerdy Duo are teaching artists from Nyack, NY, specializing in 3D and motion arts. Stop by their booth to talk about 3D modeling, casting and molding, or laser cutting and peruse their whimsical wares.

GNO N Scale Modular Railroad

Faire: Rochester

Maker: Genesee-N-Ontario Model N-Gineers

Home: New York, United States

Our N scale railroad is made up of modules built by our club members to 1:160 scale, using standards of modular construction used worldwide. We operate trains using Digital Command Control.

La giusta via

Faire: Rome

Maker: Susanna Cattaneo


La giusta via is a game for children with the aim of teaching general knowledge and gestures. the game includes the base, a ball, blocks, and two types of cards: questions and answers. the child places the question card at the top right and the corresponding answer card at the bottom under the circular holes. from here the game is accessed and the child must create a path with the wooden blocks to get the ball (located at the top left) into the correct circular hole which corresponds to the answer to the question. if the answer is correct, green lights will turn on and there will be a positive sound, otherwise red lights will turn on.

Milwaukee Makerspace Blacksmiths shop

Faire: Milwaukee

Maker: Milwaukee Makerspace

Home: Wisconsin, United States

Come see the only 24 hour blacksmith shop in Milwaukee! See how hot iron is turned to gold!

Compass Rose Jewelry Designs by C.E.Rouchon

Faire: Baton Rouge

Maker: Catherine Rouchon

Home: Louisiana, United States

Catherine is a silversmithing, and lapidary artist. As a full time artist she creates one of a kind jewelry pieces. Her favorite stones to work with are the ones she mines herself. The pendant designs are inspired by the her travels.

Everson Museum of Art

Faire: Syracuse

Maker: Everson Museum of Art

Home: New York, United States

The Everson will explore the meditative practice of circle weaving to celebrate our local featured CNY artist Alison Altafi whose exhibition Reverie is on display until April 30th. Inspired by Altafi’s work, we will create our own cardboard looms.

Scents & Such Candle Company

Faire: Lake County

Maker: Ashley Bester-Barnett

Home: Illinois, United States

Scents & Such is a hand crafted scented soy wax candle company. Each fragrance is blended in-house and is inspired by our Maker's life, loves, and experiences.

Maskarita 3D

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: emiliano lorences

Home: Álamos, Mexico

Proyecto de máscaras personalizadas impresas en 3D con diseños inspirados en la cultura Geek. Agregando electrónica para crear movimiento y reacciones, logrando piezas únicas y atractivas. La impresión 3D permite crear diseños precisos y detallado

jack of all trades

Faire: Lake County

Maker: Xavior‘Ray Liles

Home: Illinois, United States

i'm a high school student with a bit of talent with using my hands and have tried and done a lot at my exhibit is displayed my better painting wood projects a wearable gauntlet and jewelry with a hands on demo and teaching of basic knowledge