Maker Faire Yearbook 2023


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Found 87 Results


Faire: Zagreb

Maker: 3Deco by INNCRO-IT

Home: Brodsko-posavska, Croatia

3Deco: Spoj 3D dizajna i ekološke svijesti. Naši ekološki napravljeni dekorativni proizvodi dolaze u 100% održivom pakiranju. Premijera uskoro!
More / Barry Rothstein

Faire: Los Angeles

Maker: NULL

Home: California, United States

Participants will help shoot and process a 3-D image of themselves or other type of shot. Resulting images will be emailed to them. They will be provided with a pair of 3-D glasses to take home and an example image to enjoy.

3D Printing For Beekeepers

Faire: Calgary

Maker: Bill Rayment

Home: Alberta, Canada

A display and fair goers interactions on the topics of 3D printing that might be useful in the art of beekeeping and all about bees. Sponsored by the Calgary and District Beekeepers Association.

Printed Resin Ships

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: YESTR Toys

Home: California, United States

We are producing MSLA resin printed radio controlled ships and static models.

3D Printing on Youtube & Tiktok

Faire: Rochester

Maker: Uncle Jessy

Home: New York, United States

Hi there, my name is Uncle Jessy and I make and share 3D Printing projects on Youtube & Tiktok. I will be showing off 3D Printed replica props and show you how you can share your creations online to help inspire others!

Holographic Technology Exhibit and Photo Booth

Faire: Downtown Columbia

Maker: David Casselbury

Home: Maryland, United States

The exhibit will feature multiple styles of holographic displays to showcase the technologies. We will also have a set up for attendees to capture their picture in a holographic form.

Workshop OpenScad

Faire: Delft

Maker: MakerSpace Delft

Home: Zuid Holland, Nederland

Leer in deze workshop de basis van 3D ontwerpen met het OpenSource programma OpenScad. Voor deze workshop is geen voorkennis van 3D ontwerpen nodig. Na deze workshop kun je eenvoudige modellen maken met OpenScad.

LA3D Club

Faire: Orange County

Maker: LA3D Club

Home: California, United States

We will be showing how to make photos with a regular smartphone so they can be viewed in 3D. We will also be showing work that the club does in 3D such as 3D movies and photographs. We will bring 3D viewers from the last century to modern ones.

Saddleback Valley Unified School District STEAM Academy

Faire: Orange County

Maker: SVUSD STEAM Academy

Home: California, United States

Saddleback Valley Unified School District STEAM Academy and CTE programs

Calgary 3D Printing Club

Faire: Calgary

Maker: Calgary 3D Printing Club

Home: Alberta, Canada

Calgary 3D printing club attended Makerfair every year since 2015. With over thousand members, the club introduced the latest 3D printing technology as well as 3D modeling skill to the local innovation community. New members are welcomed, no matter you have 3D printer or not.

Diseño 3D para prototipos electrónicos

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)

Maker: Willson Jefferson Alexander Navarro Rodríguez

Home: Guatemala, Guatemala

Taller de encapsulados para prototipos electrónicos con ayuda del diseño 3D, no es necesarios contar con experiencia previa de diseño 3D.

Lidar a basso costo

Faire: Rome

Maker: Giorgio Liberini


This is a simple LiDAR with a TF-LUNA proximity sensor. The sensor accurately measures distances up to 5 meters using TOF technology and rotates thanks to a stepper motor. The NodeMCU coordinates calibration, rotation, and the collection of the point cloud, which is then processed by a computer. Initially, the project was intended for a different purpose and was commissioned by the recently deceased Professor Luigi Pagliarini, a pioneer in integrating robotics into art. All mechanical components were 3D printed.


Faire: Zagreb

Maker: MachLAB

Home: Zagrebacka zupanija, Croatia

achLAB je tvrtka koja je specijalizirana i posluje od 2021. god. u području 3D modeliranja, 3D printanja, laserskog rezanja i graviranja, a uskoro planiramo i plasirati naš novi - MachLAB ML1 3D printer koji će imati mnogobrojne prednosti i dodatke

Kansas Combat Robotics

Faire: Wichita

Maker: Kansas Combat Robotics

Home: United States

We are a combat robotics group in the greater Wichita.

SUNY Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success (#EmTech)

Faire: WNY Regional

Maker: Roberta (Robin) Sullivan

Home: New York, United States

SUNY Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success (#EmTech) is a free online learning opportunity targeted to college students, instructors, and anyone from across the globe who has a desire to keep pace with technology change.

You Are Not Here

Faire: Hudson Valley

Maker: Trouble

Home: New York, United States

In You Are Not Here Trouble proposes to extend their maze work into a metaverse environment, creating a 30 square meter virtual maze installation within a built maze. It will be accessible to viewers via VR headset, desktop, and cellphone.

Van 3D scanner naar 3D printer

Faire: Delft

Maker: MakerSpace Delft

Home: Zuid Holland, Nederland

MakerSpace Delft heeft een 3D scanner gebouwd. Daarmee is een voorwerp in 3 dimensies te digitaliseren. Met nabewerking kun je dit voorwerp op een 3D printer uitprinten. Op de Maker Faire laten we je het proces van 3D scannen zien.

Diseño e Impresión 3D en la medicina veterinaria.

Faire: CDMX (Mexico City)


Home: IZTACALCO, Mexico

Diseño e impresión 3D de implantes y modelos orgánicos en la medicina veterinaria.

Punimals –

Faire: Downtown Columbia

Maker: Art Ross

Home: Maryland, United States

Punimals are a combination of an animal and an object that create a visual/verbal pun. The fun comes from trying to guess what the name of the combination is.


Faire: Pensacola

Maker: UWF NASA Rover Team

Home: Florida, United States

The NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge (HERC) is a competition where teams from across the globe design, document, and fabricate a human-powered vehicle to traverse obstacles that replicate terrain on Mars. The competition is hosted in Huntsville, AL, and allows students to get hands-on with NASA Engineers! The UWF Spring 2023 NASA Rover team designed and constructed a Rover for the 2023 competition in a single semester. This year will be different as we are designing and fabricating throughout the fall semester to give proper testing time before the NASA Rover competition in April 2024.

Contenitore Unico di Identita Digitale

Faire: Rome

Maker: One Network Technology S.r.l.


Idea One Network Technology is an Italian company that is dedicated to the interactive promotion of Italian products in the world, through eco-sustainable initiatives, with the mission of offering innovative solutions based on the simplest form of business digitalization: Augmented Reality, 3D technology and NFC sharing. Our unique product aims to optimize the economic results of companies, while safeguarding the environmental heritage. Our mission is to offer an innovative and unique solution for the digitalization of SMEs that integrates Augmented Reality, 3D technology and NFC (Near Field Communication) sharing, which can transform the user experience forever. Innovative Purpose With our technology, we can create virtual objects and interactive communications, using Augmented Reality to insert them into the real context and make the experience more engaging and immersive thanks to 3D vision. NFC allows digital transfer of information and product certifications in a simple and secure way. This technology can be applied to various purposes, such as content sharing, promotion of personal activities or updating of points of sale. Our solution represents a new way of interacting with the surrounding world, which stimulates interest in specific areas or products and improves the user experience. Board: Project Manager 1 Web Developer 1 Senior Developer 1 Copywriter 1 Communication Manager 1 President of the Study Center 1 Graphic and Videomaker Team 4 Communication Consultants Team Certified by our Study Center 17 Secretariat 2 Our company is driven by innovation and the evolution of communication. We believe that our true value is what you can appreciate in person. For this reason, we do not consider it relevant to communicate to you the identity of our team, but rather to show you the result of our work. We thank you for your understanding. Scaling Up To assess the market potential of our solution, we used the model that allows us to estimate the total demand, the reachable segment and the obtainable share for our product or service. In addition, we analyzed the following variables that influence our ability to penetrate the market and generate value: • Market need: the degree of need or desire that customers have for our solution and its differentiation from existing alternatives we have discovered that there is no company on the market that could be evaluated today as a true competitor. • Product-market fit: the level of adherence between the features and benefits of our solution and the needs and expectations of customers. • N° of active POCs: the number of proof of concept (Prof of Concept) that we have started with potential customers to demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of our solution was quite reduced as the product is easily adaptable to any type of product. • N° of converted POCs: the number of proof of concept that have turned into contracts or actual orders from customers exceeds 90% of the value of proposals. • N° of active customers: we decided to give the opportunity to a small number of customers who were allowed to use our solution regularly and are satisfied with it, especially because we selected some particular products brought to market by small emerging companies as seen from presentation we sent. • N° of potential active customers: The number of potential customers who have expressed interest in our solution and are in contact with our sales group are unquantifiable since the product is an integral part of Bado’s Voucher 4.0

AI Artists: Connecting Human Creativity to Digital Art

Faire: Delft

Maker: Tim van den Bosch

Home: Zuid Holland, Nederland

Er wordt gediscussieerd of AI-kunst als 'echte' kunst kan worden beschouwd en of het alleen maar een vorm van copyrightschending is. Ervaar dit creatieve proces zelf en laat je schets omzetten door een expert, om vervolgens naar huis te gaan met een eigen AI kunstwerk.

Make: Magazine

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Make:

Home: California, United States

Meet the Makers behind Make: and get a subscription to Make: magazine at a special event price! Sign up at the Make: Booth, in the Maker Shed or the Maker Faire Merch Tent. Join the Maker Movement and dive into the first magazine devoted to DIY technology projects.

Save the planet with a 3D printed action figure of YOU!

Faire: Bay Area

Maker: Itemfarm

Home: California, United States

Itemfarm will be 3D scanning attendees and printing figurines from biodegradeable or post-consumer plastic waste. Stop by, get 3D scanned, and help as Maker Faire and Itemfarm build a post-waste future! It will be a fun, enlightening, and educational step showing how Itemfarm is helping every community make what it needs locally from materials that would otherwise go to landfills. Your family will love this hands-on experience, leaving with a personalized keepsake. Stop by, get scanned, and join us in envisioning a post-waste world.