Maker Faire Yearbook 2023


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Found 82 Results

Code/Art – Make Your Own Binary Bracelet!

Faire: Miami

Maker: Code/Art

Home: Florida, United States

Code/Art - Miami's local non-profit inspiring girls and non binary youth to code by using art and creativity as an on-ramp will be hosting an interactive booth where attendees can create their own binary bracelet and learn about Code/Art's programs.

Tech Es Para Todos

Faire: Miami

Maker: CSTA Miami

Home: Florida, United States

En este evento, en español, escucharas como la industria de la tecnologia esta revolucionando el sur de la Florida. Tambien aprenderas como profesionales llegaron a este campo y como podras empezar tu. Recomendado para toda la familia.

Worst Game Systems and Controllers, Ever

Faire: Miami

Maker: NULL

Home: New York, United States

Meet Elijah Horland, MythBuster from MythBusters Jr., on Discovery and the Science Channel. Elijah always brings the creative mischief, with his Levitator, Raspberry Ri, and the Worst Video Game System and Controllers, ever.

Miami Dade College Makers Lab

Faire: Miami

Maker: Miami Dade College Makers Lab

Home: Florida, United States

The Miami Dade College Makers Lab will be exhibiting student projects from multiple campuses. Projects will include rocketry, rovers, autonomous vehicles, and electric vehicles. the Architecture department and Miami Fashion Institute will also be in

The Creative Works with Mel Ho

Faire: Miami

Maker: Mel Ho

Home: Florida, United States

I am the TA assisting Mel Ho out with their presentation/workshop

Witch Doctor on BattleBots

Faire: Miami

Maker: Team Witch Doctor

Home: Florida, United States

Witch Doctor is an award-winning competitor on the TV show BattleBots. The South Florida team is an avid advocate of robotics education through combat robotics, and their Witch Doctor Junior educational program includes free YouTube video lessons.

Flora Skinlab

Faire: Miami

Maker: Julia denbo

Home: Florida, United States

Flora Skinlab will be featuring its new biodegradable soap papers that are perfect for busy moms on the go! Visit our booth to try them out and experience our luxurious skincare, using only the most advanced ingredients.

MUD Foundation INC

Faire: Miami

Maker: Rodolfo Peraza

Home: Florida, United States

Discover MUD Foundation's tech-forward programs, digital infrastructure, and XR metaverse. From Media Under Dystopia exhibition to XRHub R&D Lab, discover immersive tech possibilities in

Building an IOT Company in Miami

Faire: Miami

Maker: Ryan Rea

Home: Florida, United States

Building an IoT company in Miami offers a strategic location, a growing tech ecosystem,. A culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous learning can attract top talent to create cutting-edge IoT solutions.

Antonio Fornelos

Faire: Miami

Maker: Antonio Fornelos

Home: Florida, United States

Our business main focus is to teach people how to work and take care of the crystals to be able to get all the healing benefits. We will be bringing many beautiful crystals that or found all around the world.

iTech Magnet School Infento Build-A-Thon Team

Faire: Miami

Maker: iTech Magnet School - Infento Build-A-Thon Team

Home: Florida, United States

We are the iTech Miami Magnet School and we enjoy building electric vehicles and are excited to build one at Miami Maker Faire for the Infento Build-a-Thon

Tech Professionals: Make an Impact while Keeping Your Day Job!

Faire: Miami

Maker: Willy Orozco

Home: Florida, United States

Learn how you can use your skills to inspire the coders and creators of tomorrow. Volunteer with TEALS to make a difference in communities and schools that stand to gain the most from your knowledge and expertise.

Maker Spaces in Schools

Faire: Miami

Maker: David Wells

Home: Florida, United States

This presentation will focus on examples of how to integrate making and tinkering in school settings. Exploring junk drawer challenges and desktop tinkering to full-scale maker Space build-out.


Faire: Miami

Maker: Daniel Alich

Home: North Carolina, United States

Learn about Coding and Electronics with our self-contained learning kit.

Arroz Con Mango

Faire: Miami

Maker: Elizabeth Sanchez

Home: Florida, United States

Arroz Con Mango sells handmade and custom Miami-inspired jewelry.

Michael Sayman -App Kid

Faire: Miami

Maker: App Kid

Home: Florida, United States

Teen entrepreneur, programmer, and student MICHAEL SAYMAN created an iOS app development company at thirteen, after teaching himself to code. Since then, he has gone on to create dozens of apps, which have been downloaded more than 3 million times…

Play Studio Artelier

Faire: Miami

Maker: Aurora Molina

Home: Florida, United States

Play Studio art·el·ier is an inclusive art studio space for children and adults alike, in Coral Gables. At Play Artelier we challenge traditional art forms with a focus on mixed media, fiber art and art history infusing the knowledge of art through m

Victors Pictures

Faire: Miami

Maker: Victor del Corro

Home: Florida, United States

Victor is a multi award winning Cosplayer, Prop fabricator, & life long artist. Ranging from recycled cardboard to EVA foam, Victor uses his skills to create movie-like art pieces with high detail and believes that your limit is your creativity.

University of Miami Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)

Faire: Miami

Maker: Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) at University of Miami

Home: Florida, United States

The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) is a nation-wide society dedicated to the empowerment and success of Latinos in STEM fields. SHPE's vision is a world where Hispanics are highly valued and influential as leading innovators.

Code a Drone with Miami EdTech

Faire: Miami

Maker: Miami EdTech

Home: Florida, United States

Come and learn to code and functional drone with Miami EdTech! Put on your thinking caps and test your computational thinking as you code through an elaborate obstacle course with challenges and hurdles using Blockly!

Cool Zoo – It’s Wild!

Faire: Miami

Maker: Jim Deberry

Home: Florida, United States

Get your Sloth-ie on! Meet the Cool Zoo and support wildlife advancement by participating in education experiences.

Growing Beyond Earth-a Citizen Science Project

Faire: Miami

Maker: Growing Beyond Earth-a Citizen Science Project

Home: Florida, United States

Join NASA Plant Scientists and Growing Beyond Earth® Student Research Symposium for local middle and high schools, where students will share their original space plant research findings.

Arts & Business Council of Miami

Faire: Miami

Maker: Arts & Business Council of Miami

Home: Florida, United States

The Arts & Business Council of Miami offers services to the creative ecosystem, including Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts and Patent Pro Bono.

Dance to Your Code and Learn How to Make a Ligh Up Greeting Card!

Faire: Miami

Maker: Willy Orozco

Home: Florida, United States

Join us and learn how to code a dance and how to create a light up greeting card. No experience required.