ETIPADO: Extremely Tall Image Processing And Display Object project image

ETIPADO: Extremely Tall Image Processing And Display Object

Maker Faire Bay Area 2024

October 18th-20th

Dark Room Exhibit Photography & Video Buy Tickets

ETIPADO: Extremely Tall Image Processing And Display Object is a startling demonstration of the persistence-of-vision effect: Shake your head "no" at a strobing column of light and images appear out of nowhere. Interact with the work by making faces in the work's camera, while friends see you in the strip of LEDs in real time.
What's happening? The LEDs display vertical slices of images in fast succession. As your eye moves across the piece, the two-dimensional image “burns” into your retina, one column at a time. Sophisticated processing software takes real-time imagery from the attached digital camera and broadcasts them to the LEDs.
ETIPADO is unexpected art: It’s easy to walk by and not notice it. Once discovered, participants are inspired to share the “secret” with those around them.

Grant Patterson Maker Picture

Grant Patterson

While humankind’s technological revolutions produce objects of incredible power and value, they often have harmful consequences for people and our planet. Grant uses these tools to produce art that demonstrates scientific principles in new and exciting ways, challenges our assumptions, and encourages us to think critically about entrenched systems.

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