Maker Faire Bay Area 2019

May 17th-19th

Exhibit Craft

Sophisticated apparel and prints that celebrate celestial forms.

All work is designed and produced in SF by the artist.

PHIOSUWAN project image
Rajit Phiosuwan Maker Picture

Rajit Phiosuwan

Phiosuwan began her career as a graphic designer in Bangkok, Thailand. Her love for paper, inks and physical media inspired her to make a significant life change; To move to US, complete MFA in printmaking, and build a career making work she loves.

San Francisco Bazaar Showcase Maker

Each year San Francisco Bazaar features hundreds of juried artists and designers. Shoppers can expect to find the crème de la crème of indie goods: handbags, pottery, letterpress stationary, silk-screened t-shirts, baby clothes, zines, posters, body products and more!

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