Big Dreams and Shortcuts: How I Design DIY Wearable Tech

Big Dreams and Shortcuts: How I Design DIY Wearable Tech

As a designer, I follow my ideas wherever they lead me, and figure things out as I go. Whether it's a glove that meows or an LED cosplay helmet, every project is an exercise in learning new things and not giving up! Here's how I stay inspired, make mistakes, and actually finish things (sometimes).

What inspired you to begin investigating your topic or inspired you to make your project?:
No matter how many projects I complete, I always hit bumps in the road along the way. It happens to us all! Whether it's making a big mistake, not knowing how to do something, or just fatigue and distraction. But it always helps me when other makers share how they get through the tough bits. I use my design skills to get me back on track, and I'd love to share what works for me. It might be just what someone else needs to get through their project.

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