Holistic Hooping Flow Zone
Maker Faire Bay Area 2018
May 18th-20th
Holistic Hooping: Fun Interactive HoopDance Flow Zone: offering plenty of hoops & other tools for dance/play, with impromptu performances & demonstrations, personal instruction, hoop crafting area, and hoops for purchase!
Kandice Korves-Kaus
Founder of Holistic Hooping, has been hand-crafting dance hoops for over 15 yrs., her quality hoops are filled with healing infusions: crystals, essences & affirmations! Healing Hoops made to order!
http://holistichooping.comAndrew Kaus
He is the Co-Founder of Holistic Hooping and his talents have brought laughter and happiness to many! He is our specialized product inventor, prototype engineer, and builder of all of our LED and Fire hoops, amongst other things. He is amazing!