World Maker Faire 2017
September 23rd-24th
RoboRuckus is a completely open source game inspired by the excellent board game RoboRally. The game involves players attempting to navigate actual robots through a zany obstacle course in a race. This game is still in development. Come by to try it!

Sam Groveman
Although Sam obtained his doctorate in chemistry, he still enjoys tinkering and making with electronics in his spare time. His love of computers and awesome things drives him to create fun and hopefully interesting projects like RoboRuckus.
Andrew McKay
A Maker from his earliest days, shoe boxes and toilet paper tubes were never safe when Andrew was a child. Now living in what his friends call "Apartment Depot", he combines his two favorite activities, making and gaming, into the RoboRuckus game.
Lynn Leitte
Lynn's an amateur solderer & robot assembler, and co-designer of the magnetic-line underlayment for the bot board. She's been the chief bot QA tester as well as the RoboRuckus resource manager, project planner, and queen of the details.