Cave Mapper 3.0

Maker Faire Bay Area 2016

May 20th-22nd


This is the 3rd prototype of my cave mapper using a Beaglebone microprocessor. The base was designed using an erector and tetrix set and a smaller lidar that can scan a cavity of an enclosed area and then using a softwere program creates a 3D map. This newer version is half the size of my last version.

Cave Mapper 3.0 project image
Willow Glen Makers  Maker Picture

Willow Glen Makers

Sasha Jaffarove

Young Makers Showcase Maker

The Young Makers program brings together a community of young people with mentors and a space to make. In small clubs, participants work together to design and make a youth-chosen, open-ended project which they showcase at Maker Faire!

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