TechniGals: How to Get Girls & Librarians Excited About Making in the Library
World Maker Faire 2015
May 18th-1st
TechniGals Summer STE(A)M Camp is a pilot project of the Middletown Free Library and Penn State Brandywine with the aim of getting get girls excited about science and technology. We will talk about how we put the project together and how others can offer this type of program.

Mary Glendening
Mary Glendening is the director of the Middletown Free Library in Media, PA and runs maker programs as part of the library's makerspace, CreateSpace@MFL. She has been working in libraries for over 15 years and received her MLS from Rutgers University in 1996.
Laura Kuchmay
Laura Kuchmay is the Head of Adult Services at the Middletown Free Library is Lima, PA. She received her Masters in Archives and Records Management at the University College of London. For the past 5 years she has been instructing her Library's adult patrons in different forms of technology.