Hardware Hacking in Harlem
World Maker Faire 2015
May 18th-1st
Students and teachers from ELiTE and Frederick Douglass Academy discuss the impact of making in urban public schools. Early exposure to Arduino coupled with the appropriate balance of structured curriculum and independent project work has allowed students to dream, build, and be creative.

Chelsey Roebuck
Chelsey Roebuck is a 2013 Echoing Green Black Male Achievement Fellow. He is the founder and Executive Director of Emerging Leaders in Technology and Engineering, Inc.(ELiTE). Chelsey graduated from Columbia University in 2010 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, and has worked in Harlem supporting public schools ever since.
Joel Bianchi
Joel Bianchi is a master teacher with over 10 years experience working in the NYC DOE. Joel graduated from Cooper Union University in 2005 with a degree in engineering along with degrees in Math Education and Physics Education from City College of New York and Western Governor's University. Mr Bianchi is also the coach and lead mentor for FIRST Robotics team 1660, the Harlem Knights!
Aaron Kyle
Dr. Kyle teaches Biomedical Engineering Design at Columbia University. In coordination with the Harlem Biospace, he created the HYPOTHEkids (Hk) Maker Lab as an opportunity to introduce students from underserved communities to biomedical engineering design. The Hk Maker Lab is a six week summer program in which NYC high school students come to Columbia to learn and apply the engineering design process.
Amisha Rana
I am a 16-year-old Indian American that resides in the Bronx. I currently am a senior attending Frederick Douglass Academy 1 located in Harlem, NY. My interests include music, singing, technology, and art. I want to help the world and society and my tech product idea will do exactly that. It’s a field that not many women are participating in and I would want to increase that percentage and transform our world into something bigger and better!

Julian Frost
In high school I was captain of FIRST Robotics team 1660, The Harlem Knights. I am presently a mechanical engineering student at The City College Grove School of Engineering on full-scholarship. I aspire to be a toy maker as a result of my love for 3-D printing and tinkering with things. In my past time, I like to read Popular Science magazines and see what's new on Thingiverse.