Makers in the Military
World Maker Faire 2015
May 18th-1st
Members of the Army Cyber Institute at West Point discuss 'Makers in the Military'. Many service-members are avid makers, whether it's making as a form of stress-relief while deployed, using open-source hardware to teach security concepts, or fabricating custom solutions to save time and lives.

Erick Waage
CPT Frederick “Erick” Waage is a researcher at the Army Cyber Institute at West Point. He served two tours, including multiple deployments, in the 75th Ranger Regiment, one of the Army’s elite light infantry and special operations units. He most recently served as the Regimental Technical Operations Chief, overseeing a maker-like unit overseas.
James Finocchiaro
MAJ James Finocchiaro is a member of the Education Division of the Army Cyber Institute. His involvement in making began as an electrical engineering student at West Point. Now he mentors and teaches undergraduates to improve their programming skills. He is a career Military Intelligence officer interested in robotics, internet of things, biometrics, and security.