The Innovators of Tomorrow: Transforming K-12 Education through the Maker Movement
World Maker Faire 2015
May 18th-1st
Learn how the MakerMovement has transformed our K-12 community as we show how the South Fayette School District has embedded making, engineering, design, and computational thinking into all areas of the curriculum since 2010. Discover how to catalyze your own MakerMovement for students of all ages!

Melissa Unger
Melissa Unger is the STEAM teacher at South Fayette Elementary School in Pennsylvania. She teaches K-2 students the early beginnings of computer programming and helps them to design, build, and bring their ideas to life as they conduct experiments, create inventions, and use technology to animate their projects. A life-long maker, Melissa intertwines art and science to challenge her students.
Aileen Owens
As Director of Technology and Innovation, Aileen focuses on embedding computational thinking and the engineering and design problem-solving process into both the K-12 curriculum and connected learning initiatives to empower students to be the innovators of tomorrow. Aileen was the recipient of the national Digital Innovation in Learning Award and the PAECT Chief Technology Officer Award this year.