Anands Homeschool - Medical and Space Innovation Projects

Anands Homeschool - Medical and Space Innovation Projects

Biomedical projects by homeschoolers: 1.Biomimicry inspired exoskeleton-like device for upper extremity rehab 2.Microgravity simulator for animal experiments for space travel 3. ioT Toothbrush for Grip Strength Measurement for Neurological Disorders

What inspired you to make this project?:
As homeschoolers, we take the unconventional path to learning, incorporating maker skills to solving real world problems (and some outer space ones too!!). Our focus on health and biomedical projects with Arduino, ioT or Biomimicry for a new rehab device helps drive innovation and creativity in our student’s minds, and here we showcase 3 of the projects done by 14-17 year olds.