Arduino Due based atmospheric carbon dioxide logger and mapper.

Arduino Due based atmospheric carbon dioxide logger and mapper.

Measure atmospheric carbon dioxide thousands of times per day with location and temperature.

Determine if we can usefully measure the regional CO2 values. Then do experiments and projects to model an adequate society that emits less CO2.

What inspired you to make this project?:
Fourty two years ago I watched people in Los Angeles figure out how to reduce their water consumption 20%. The city had a water crisis and asked a 20% use reduction. Everybody that wanted to conserve water figured out how to conserve after they got three consecutive water bills. I had started a water conservation business where I speedily computed water usage by reading water meters with a wristwatch and a pocket calculator. I had also built a precision leak and pressure gage device. My entire conservation business simply evaporated as people got their third water bills. With three water bills in hand the conservation solution that worked was to stop watering the garden. The information truth was this: If you want to control something, measure it. I am applying this theorem to the global warming problem. Measure it, show the data to others, and help people do the pragmatic things to reduce carbon dioxide emissions promptly.

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